The Illinois Board of Higher Education is awarding $3 million in grants to nine colleges and universities in the state to help achieve equity in recruitment and retention.
The funding comes from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund for use over the next year. Universities and colleges receiving these grants will utilize the funds to recruit and retain first-generation, low-income, underrepresented and rural students.
The institutions will support at-risk students’ progress toward degree completion by closing digital equity gaps; providing targeted, academic, and social/emotional supports through peer mentoring; and other innovative efforts. This includes equipment checkout programs, enhanced financial and career literacy training, intensive language instruction, childcare assistance, increased campus food pantry supplies, and expanded telehealth services.
The grantees are Eastern Illinois University, Eureka College, Governors State University, Lewis University, Lincoln College, National Louis University, Northern Illinois University, Northeastern Illinois University and St. Xavier University.
To read the full press release from IBHE, click here.